随着大学录取程序的结束,许多人 students cruise into college assuming that the hard part is behind them.

对这些学生来说,过渡到一个他们 the only 一个s responsible for their own academic success can be a difficult 一个. They may be accustomed to their prior status as the “big fish in the pond”, but their new surroundings encompass a much deeper pool of talented 学生同行. 他们的课程表不一样,他们和一个 stranger for the first time, and there’s more choice than ever in terms of 他们的研究领域. 所有这些都是学生们真正关心的问题 进入本科学习的前半段: 他们的表现如何? without the extensive family and peer support they had in high school?

新生面临的挑战 包括明智地管理他们新获得的独立性.


As a student ventures onto a new campus for the first time, it’s important 他或她采取积极主动的方式加入社团和 组织.


Not only is the transition often difficult, many students are also unprepared for the fast pace and independent studying expected in 大学课程.


Academic performance as a freshman in college is critical for success not only in an undergraduate major, but as a precursor for future graduate 学校的机会.

Time management is an incredibly important skill that all college students must master in order to be successful.

大学 students spend much less time actually sitting in class than they did in high school, and they’re expected to accomplish much more coursework outside of class time.

而不是每天小的家庭作业, 学生可以期望解决更大的作业, and they’ll need to become experts at breaking these into smaller pieces and planning backwards to ensure they can give them the time they deserve. The first half of a student’s undergraduate experience is all about establishing balance. 学生们将不断地在学业和社交生活之间进行平衡, 接受更大的独立性和责任, 而这一切都是在没有家庭和家人的保障下完成的.



为学业优异的大学生准备的, it is key to consider the possibilities beyond simply achieving an A in a given class. Developing their competence as a learner is key; reflecting on all of their academic processes, 查找低效率或潜在的不准确来源, and learning from the habits of other accomplished students can yield large rewards down the road.

As the high-achieving student progresses through the first two years of college, it’s important that they connect their work in the present to potential future graduate study and career options. One great way to do this is for students to connect with professors that conduct research in a field they have interest in. Office hours aren’t just for asking questions about the material at hand, and can provide a great chance to get advice about future directions. 除了向教授寻求建议, engaging in research directly as an undergraduate is an excellent opportunity for the college student who’s already succeeding in their coursework. Every college has ample opportunities for undergraduate research, and even as a freshman a student can secure these as long as they seek them out.


大学 students who are commonly earning B letter grades in their undergraduate coursework have a more urgent need for improvement than they may suspect. 在高中时, 偶尔的B可能没什么大不了的, but in today’s career market and competitive graduate school admissions landscape, 最大化本科GPA是关键!

最常见的, the difference between a B and an A student in college-level courses is engagement in the class and an active stance towards seeking help. 如果B学生向他们的教授寻求帮助, 同行, 或者家教, they’d likely build the understanding needed to improve their grade to an A. Students shouldn’t wait until it’s too late – after the first lecture, 如果事情看起来有一点不明朗, 这是确定获得援助计划的理想时机.

A significant part of this push to the top of the grade scale will be continuing to culture and hold a student mindset that even as a college student, 然后进入研究生学习和工作生涯, 他或她总是可以提高学习和表现的结果.


大学 students that are receiving predominantly C grades or below, 特别是在头两年, still have a significant opportunity to improve their academic performance and significantly improve the Grade Point Average that appears on their undergraduate transcript. Graduate school admissions will often give greater weight to grades earned on the more challenging upper-division coursework that students pursue within their major, and elevating overall GPA is useful for job application even if graduate study is not desired.

Learning to actively seek help for classes in which they struggle is a fundamental area of development for the average student earning C’s or below. Students shouldn’t wait until it’s too late – after the first lecture, 如果事情看起来有一点不明朗, 这是确定获得援助计划的理想时机. Every college has an Academic Advising department whose sole purpose is to help struggling students by connecting them to both free and paid 资源 that can help them interpret and understand the material.

It’s also important for struggling college students to connect their academic work with their personal interests. Perhaps they’ve chosen courses in a major because they originally thought it would be the best choice for their career options, 或者是因为他们的父母在很大程度上影响了他们的决定, but now it’s time to really determine if they have the passion they’ll need to see the work through. 在大多数情况下, students can make a significant direction shift in their college major and still stand a reasonable chance of graduating on time. This lack of real interest in coursework is often the reason behind a student earning C’s and below in most of their classes.


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